About Us
The European School of Helsinki
is a school accredited to the
European Schools’ network.
“The mission of the European School of Helsinki is to offer diverse and high-quality education and instruction for children and young people coming from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds.”
Our Objectives:
To give pupils confidence in their own cultural identity for their development as European citizens and internationally.
To promote diversity, fairness and equality in order to combat any forms of discrimination in all that we do.
To establish a culture of high expectations, which encourages pupils to aspire to the highest possible standards of achievement through enjoyable learning experiences up to the European Baccalaureate.
Our Educational Principles:
To develop high standards in the mother tongue and in foreign languages.
To develop mathematical and scientific skills throughout the whole period of schooling.
To develop pupils’ media and technical skills in information and communication technology.
To encourage a European and global perspective overall and particularly in the study of the human sciences.
To encourage creativity in music and visual arts, and show appreciation of all that is best in a common European artistic heritage.
Our Ethos:
To provide a safe, healthy, secure, pleasant and supportive environment for all members of the school community.
To provide encouragement for every student to play a full and active role in the school community.
To promote the idea of support via our pastoral systems and by striving for close relations with our local, national and international communities.
To promote awareness of healthy lifestyles, provide appropriate opportunities and support to facilitate students’ physical development.
To provide appropriate extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities to enable students to make a positive contribution to the school and society.
To prepare students for their future life as active and responsible citizens and by providing appropriate information, advice and guidance.
To strive continually to improve all aspects of school life for the whole school community.
We are proud to be a ‘KiVa Koulu’ School.
Since January 2022, ESH has participated in the world's largest sustainable schools programme. ‘Eco-Schools’ has been run in Finland with the name Vihreä lippu (Green Flag) already for over 20 years. Currently, there are more than 300 schools registered in the programme in Finland. The Eco-Schools programme develops pupils’ skills, raises environmental awareness and improves the school environment. Our current theme is waste reduction.
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“Educated side by side, untroubled by divisive prejudices, acquainted with all that is great and good in the different cultures, without ceasing to look to their own lands, they will become in mind Europeans, and work for a united and thriving Europe."
jean Monnet