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European School of Helsinki

Bulevardi 18

00120 Helsinki



☎: +358 295 332 483

@: firstname.surname (at)

Erasmus/pedagogical visitors, please contact kerry.osborne(at)

Ms Marika Costa
tel: +358 295 332 483

Office / Secrétariat / Kanslia

Ms Minna Laatu
tel: +358 295 332 454

Director / Directrice / rehtori

Mr Rosario Fina (Secondary)
tel: +358 295 332 452

Ms Aino Tola (Nursery, Primary) tel: +358 295 332 492

Deputy Directors / DIRECTeurs adjoints / apulaisrehtoriT

Ms Anna Rikama
tel: +358 295 332 455

Study Coordinator / Coordinateur des examens et de l’orientation / opintokoordinaattori

Afterschool Coordinator / Coordinatrice des activités périscolaires / Iltapäivätoiminnan koordinaattori

Ms Debora Mäkelä
tel: +358 295 332 495

Special educational needs Teachers / Enseignementes spécialisées / ERITYISOPETTAJAt

Ms Karoliina Hokka (EN/FI) tel: +358 295 332 468

Ms Christine Droesbeke-Kallio (FR)

Bursar / Intendante / Talouspäällikkö

Ms Hanna Heiskanen
tel: +358 295 332 456

HR assistant / assistante RH / HR-assistentti

Ms Kreetta Ala-Kauppila
tel: +358 295 332 457

ICT Support / Responsable informatique / IT-tuki


Caretaker / Concierge / Vahtimestari

Mr Herkko Eskelinen (day)
tel: +358 295 332 458


Mr Rajan Ghimire (evening)

school Nurse / Infirmière / Terveydenhoitaja

Ms Heidi Vaha
tel: +358 40 192 1097 

School Psychologists / psychologues scolaires / Koulupsykologit

Ms Sabine Kuittinen tel: +358 295 332 461

Ms Niina Mäkelä tel: +358 40 661 5282

School Counselor / Assistante sociale scolaire / Koulukuraattori

Ms Nina Soini
tel: +358 40 680 6048, +358 9 310 39659 

Invoicing information

European School of Helsinki only accepts, processes and archives invoices in electronic form. Please ensure that in the future, your electronic invoices must be compliant with the European Standard and be submitted electronically via the central government e-invoicing service operator. 

Our e-invoicing details are as follows

E-invoicing address: 0037276979018 

Y code: 2769790-1 

Operator: Posti Messaging Oy

ID: FI28768767

Invoices must have a 21-day payment term. We also ask you to mark the information provided by the customer on the invoice as follows: 

REFERENCE: contact person (First Name Last Name) and order request number received from the subscriber.  

If you do not have financial management software that enables online invoicing, you can use the free online invoicing service offered by the government. 

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Nursery class teachers

Abdulle, Bilaad

Baille, Aurélie

Kleikers, Suzanne

Sillanpää-Ojala, Päivi

Primary class teachers

Gray, Benjamin

Itkonen, Tuija

Lallement, Susanna

Lindsay, Craig

Maury, Antoine

McGee, Sheila

Ruokonen, Quitterie

Tuomaala, Henna

Subject teachers


Bertell, Jella (Art)


Ghezaiel, Yassine (Human science, Economics, Geography)

Kuha, Mikko (Philosophy, Sociology, Religious education)

Parmentier, Quentin (Human science, History, Political Science)

Payette, Jean-Philippe (Philosophy)

Sanhaie, Joel (Economics, History, Geography)


Payette, Jean-Philippe (French L1)

Beurdouche, Elsa (French L1, L2, L3)

Buurman, Suzanne (Dutch L1)

Carvalho Ribeiro, Patricia (Portuguese L1)

D’Amato, Mario (Italian L1)

da Silva Carvalho, Tiago (Portuguese L1)

De Martino, Massimiliana (Maltese ONL)

Ess, Sirje (Estonian L1, Finnish HCL)

Irwin, Stuart (English L2)

Keisu-Metsäpelto, Krista (Finnish L1, L3, L4)

Kleikers, Suzanne (Dutch L1 Nursery/Primary)

Korpimäki, Marja (Finnish L1)

Krejci, Elva (Latvian L1)

Maciu-Pierret, Diana (Romanian L1)

Marionneau, Ludovic (Resource teacher)

Martinez Madrid, Diego (Spanish L1 Primary/Nursery)

Murphy, Barry (Irish ONL)

Mäkelä, Anna (English L2, L3)

Olivier, Sophie (French L2, L3)

Oshogo, Klementyna (Polish L1)

Payette, Jean-Philippe (French L1, L2, Philosophy)

Sakellion, Konstantina (Greek L1, Ancient Greek)

Schenk, Jana (German L3)

Sloan, Christopher (English L1)

Solis, Silva Manuela (Spanish L1, L3, L4)

Steele, Anna (English L2)

Strengell, Heidi (Swedish L1, L3, L4, ONL)

Thimm, Constanze (German L1, L3)

Todorova, Elena (Bulgarian L1)

Velentzas, Evangelos (Greek L1)

Vesela, Zuzanna (Czech L1)

Zalgeviciute Zemaityte, Sandra (Lithuanian L1)

Mathematics & Natural Science

Andersson, Birgitta (Science, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics)

Godhuli, Sinha (Chemistry, Physics)

Kuismanen, Shannon (Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

Lallement, Arnaud (Mathematics, Science, ICT)

Mallinson, Peter (Science, Biology, Chemistry)

Mattila, Mari (Mathematics, ICT)

Maximilien, Frédéric (Science, Biology, Chemistry)

Nkuliza, Senghor (Mathematics, Physics, ICT)

Stamos, Efthymios (Mathematics)

Vahermaa, Paula (Mathematics, Physics)


Vanhala, Katja (Music)

Physical Education & Health Education

Beaurepaire, Anthony (Physical education)

Kuismanen, Shannon (Health education)

Sundell, Petra (Physical education)