European School of Helsinki
Bulevardi 18
00120 Helsinki
☎:+358 295 332 451
@: firstname.surname (at)
Ms Anita Schadevitz
tel: +358 295 332 451, fax: +358 40 3477 101
Secrétariat / Kanslia
Acting Director
Directrice par intérim / Vt. rehtori
Ms Kristiina Siimes
tel: +358 295 332 454
Acting Deputy Director
Directeur adjoint par intérim / Vt. apulaisrehtori
Ms Christine Devoge
tel: +358 295 332 452
Mr Lasse Österman
Study Coordinator
Afterschool Coordinator
Ms Josette Wolters
tel: +358 404 862 770
Pupil Welfare Coordinator
Ms Christine Devoge
tel: +358 295 332 459
Pupil Mobility Coordinator
Mr Yassine Ghezaiel
tel: +358 295 332 468
Ms Heidi Reilly
tel: +358 295 332 456
Secretary (personnel and wages)
Ms Nina Lemström-Lampio
tel: +358 295 332 457
ICT Support
Mr Marko Lepola
tel: +358 295 504 188
Mr Herkko Eskelinen
tel: +358 295 332 458
Ms Jenny Still
tel: +358 503 105 641
School Psychologist
Ms Taru Levomäki
tel: +358 295 332 461
School Counselor
Ms Katjamari Hartman
tel: +358 403 583 056, +358 931 082 020